
Veteran Services

Helping our returning and veteran service members navigate and prosper on the home front.

  • Disability claims
  • Job placement assistance
  • Job & computer training
  • VFW and American Legion liaison



Keeping our senior neighbors active and engaged in the community.

  • Healthcare and senior living outreach and partnerships
  • Meal services
  • Computer & technology basic training
  • Supply drives


Youth Services

Providing young people in the community with opportunities to grow and flourish.

  • Job skills training
  • Youth coaching & mentorship
  • Afterschool Programs
  • Toy and clothing drives


Reentry Services

Reintegrating formerly-incarcerated individuals into a productive and stable role in the communityJob skills training.

  • Support and outreach network
  • Job skills training
  • Job application assistance
  • Computer & technical training